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Beginners Must Know! Here are 5 tips for playing Beatrix Mobile Legends

Beatrix is ​​one of the best Marksman heroes who has extraordinary abilities. For those of you who want to push rank in Mobile Legends, it is highly recommended to use this hero so that it can lead you to victory.

Well, but there are still a lot of players who don’t understand how to use Beatrixk Mobile Legends. For those of you who want tips on playing Beatrix Mobile Legends, just read this article until the end!

Tips and Tricks for Using Beatrix Mobile Legends

Before using Beatrix, make sure you have topped up Mobile Legends diamonds so you can use this hero.

Because to unlock this hero, you have to exchange it using Battle Points or Diamonds. However, if you already have this hero, just look at the tricks for playing Beatrix Mobile Legends.

1. Know the Capabilities of Each Weapon

Know the Capabilities of Each Weapon

As we know, Beatrix has 4 different weapons that can be used in the game. As a Beatrix player, you definitely have to know the function and capabilities of each weapon.

So, here are the abilities of each weapon that Beatrix has:

  • Nibiru: It is Beatrix’s weapon with abilities like SMG weapons. When using Nibiru, Beatrix will fire 4 bullets at the opponent at once.
  • Renner: It is Beatrix’s weapon with abilities like Sniper weapon. You can cause great damage from a distance using this weapon.
  • Bennett: Represents a Grenade Launcher type weapon which allows Beatrix to deal Area Damage. Very suitable for disturbing and poking enemies.
  • Wesker: Represents Shotgun type weapon which is very suitable for close combat. Has painful damage, but must be used at the right distance.

2. Memorize the icon of each weapon

Memorize the Icon of Each Weapon
Memorize the Icon of Each Weapon

Well, it turns out there are still many Beatrix players who don’t know the icons of the weapons this Marksman hero has. In fact, by memorizing the icon for each weapon, you can easily and quickly change weapons.

So, here are the icons for each Beatrix weapon that you can memorize:

  • Nibiru: Colored weapon icons purple.
  • Renner: Colored weapon icons green.
  • Bennett: Colored weapon icons red.
  • Wesker: Colored weapon icons yellow.

3. Don’t be afraid to use ultimate

Don't be afraid to use ultimate
Don’t be afraid to use ultimate

There are still many Beatrix players who are hesitant to use their skills to pay off their opponent’s HP or clear the lane. Even though Beatrix is ​​one of the heroes who has a short skill cooldown.

Therefore, when using the hero Beatrix, don’t be afraid to use all her skills. Because you can change to another weapon, the cooldown of that skill will definitely be filled.

4. You must know the strongest weapon combination

Must Know the Strongest Weapon Combination
Must Know the Strongest Weapon Combination

For those of you who are learning to use Beatrix, there are several best weapon combinations that you can rely on in several conditions. Especially if you use the right Beatrix build.

So, here is the strongest weapon combination for Beatrix that you can use:

  • Nibiru + Renner: A combination of weapons suitable for any situation. You can attack from a distance using Renner, and attack your opponent from close range using Nibiru.
  • Renner + Wesker: This weapon combination is suitable for giving a “Surprise Attack” to your opponent. You can rely on the bush that your opponent is expected to pass through. Because as we know, Renner and Wesker are the weapons with the worst damage that Beatrix has.
  • Renner + Bennett: This weapon combination is suitable for destroying the opponent’s turret.
  • Nibiru + Bennett: This weapon combination is suitable for defense. Because the damage area from this ultimate weapon can quickly clear a wave of minions.

5. Play Safer

Play Safer
Play Safer

As a Marksman, you definitely need to play safer. Because Beatrix is ​​very vulnerable to sudden attacks from opponents such as Jungler heroes and opposing Roamer heroes.

Make sure that when you are on one lane, you often look at the mini map and ask the team’s Roamer hero to provide information when your opponent disappears.

During war, you also need to be behind a Support or Tank hero. Because you will definitely be the target of your opponent’s Core hero.


So, those are some tips for using Beatrix Mobile Legends that you can apply in the game. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends!

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